A1 EYV Tutor Feedback

Assignment 1 Feedback

You will notice a fair bit of activity on my blog over the past week, after a long period of silence, this is because I have just returned from a six-week trip to South America; however, it is now time to get this course back on track.

The feedback I received from Simon, my tutor, was that while I had good individual images, they did not work together and were a more eclectic collection of things that caught my eye on that particular day.

I think this is very fair comment – my images do lack focus and cohesion and according to my girlfriend, have done for years. I should look at more work in gallery’s etc. to appreciate things more. And also to think about what I am trying to say about a particular set of images.

I have been to used to going out for the day shooting what I see and putting an album on Facebook.

Simon suggested that I return to my original set of contact sheets and look out of theme that interested me, and I want to tell a story with and rework the assignment from there.

As I am a street photographer at heart, and that is little how this first assignment went, Simon has also suggested that I research:

Bruce Gilden

Bruce Davidsons’ Subway Series

Joel Meyerowitz

Philip Lorca Di Corcia.


Tutor Feedback Assignment 1