A2 EYV Self Reflection

Demonstration of technical and Visual Skills:

On the technical side, I feel I have produced a set of images with are sharp, exposed correctly and well composed. I have deliberately used a shallow depth of field highlight the primary subject matter and used diagonal and the rule of third in composition where appropriate.

All the shots were taken on the same camera with the same aperture.

Quality of outcome

I have made a conscience effort to keep the aspect ratio of all the images the same, by carefully composing within the camera. I feel like a set the images sit well together.

Demonstration of Creativity or Imagination

Creativity is my nemesis while I feel the images set well as a set, I feel there is not enough diversity between the pictures. I have reflected, in my course notes, the set could be a one trick pony. The influence from Gianluca Cosci work may also be a little bit too dominant; although this was entirely unintentional


This significant step away from my typical style of work and I have not researched it enough the theme was very much put together on the fly, which perhaps effects the idea reaching its full potential.