A3 EYV – the decisive moment.

Assignments 3 – the decisive moment.

Below are a series of contact sheets from images I have been working on for a the last month, you will perhaps recognize some from my post earlier where I was looking at a collection of pictures of crowds with mobile phones are a secondary theme.

For the decisive moment, I want to continue the work I started with mobiles are I think it is an area that has mileage and something which is relevant in today society. I am of the belief that we do not have to emulate Cartier-Bresson geometry and pattern to create a decisive moment – a decisive moment is a moment that illustrates a point or if we are lucky tells a story.

I am concentrating on mobiles as they are constant in our lives something which wasn’t even as prevalent six years ago. Although then we all had phones that what they were phones, iPhones we in their infancy, so we did have it glued to our hands 24/7 – if wanted music you took an iPod and phone and added a book if wanted read – now all we need is our phone.

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