A3 EYV – Tutor feedback

While the report from my tutor on assignment 3 was encouraging, the overwhelming comment as that “as an essay on the decisive moment it was patchy” That is it had technically sound images, which hung together as a set; however, there were some weaker images which brought the set down. Particularly image six which I completely agree with my tutor is probably the dictionary definition of hackneyed.

Tutor Report (highlighted)

Highlighted FeedBack

Black & White was always a conscience decision that I again (similar to my choice of subject in A2) I failed to articulate fully in my assignment notes (this again is something I need to address going forward) so I’m in the position of having to defend a challenge in my reaction post.

I have covered my choice of B&W processing style in a separate blog post, but the overall choice to shoot in black & white came from personal experience/preference. Colour in Hong Kong can be distracting one of which there is such a variance in quality of light, from unusual mixtures of neon to harsh, flat daylight. As this was an essay on the decisive moment shot throughout the day over many days, I didn’t want the variances in light/colour to cause an image or 2 to standout from the set.

I find B&W a great leveller though it not the perfect fix, but is ideal for this essay and I stand by my choice to shoot this assignment in Black & White,

With regards to a rework of the assignment, the first step is a re-edit of the original shortlisted images, because as my tutor says there some which I shouldn’t probably have edited out and some that should never have been included

Then add in some different shots I have taken over the past few weeks to see if I can come up with a much less “patchy” assignment.