Sata Shinato – Night Lights

Sata Shinato – Night Lights

Recommended in the course notes, this is an exciting series that is close to my heart.

I can find that the light in Hong Kong is very uninteresting and at most times of the day flat (hence my tendency to shoot in black and white). However, once the light fades, it comes alive with the glow of neon.

Shinat has photographed ordinary things illuminated with artificial light;  had these subjects been photographed by day – we would bypass them.

I love the complex nature this type of artificial light gives, there are different temperatures in the same frame, I find that the light in a way, can emulate the light from the evening sun and wrap around the subjects.

I will be looking at this type of photography in upcoming exercise 4.3.


Sato Shintaro photo gallery (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 29 December 2015).