A2 EYV – the shoot

Assignment 2 – the shoot

I set off to my favorite shooting spot on Mong Kok; with the idea to shoot the late afternoon crowds around he main tourist market. I had the idea of using a low viewpoint to give a bug’s eye or child’s eye view of the goings on over a period of a few hours, from a few different spots


Over a small break for a can of soda water, I quickly reviewed my images and whilst they were ok – they didn’t stand out to me. It was time for a re-think and I started with a very, very low viewpoint taking a more landscape type of image. This triggered a creative thought when I caught sight of a discarded cigarette package.


I spent the rest of the afternoon shooting extreme low viewpoint; I guess these could be called cityscapes which are focusing on a single piece of litter in the foreground of the scene. Litter is omnipresent in our life, but it’s a detail we often over look.


Attached are my contact sheets from the afternoon.


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