A4 EYV – Tutor feedback

Assignment 4 – tutor feedback

I have to say I’m very pleased with the tutor comments received on assignment 4 – I was very apprehensive submitting it as I wasn’t sure of the concept. Just goes to sure I need to be more confident in as my tutor says “finding my voice”.

My apprehension and doubt in the concept I believe in my tutors comments regarding the lack of shadow detail in a lot of the images – I used a global adjustment and preset in Lightroom, which increased the contrast a little too much. In hindsight this was “lazy processing” and has pulled the assignment down; however, now I have more confidence in the concept I will revisit and reprocess. This doesn’t excuse a couple of pieces of bad composition, though.

As I have said, I will initially look to base a rework around the reprocessing the images to open up he shadows and look for different images each evening to perhaps expand the selection. I will also look to rewrite the assignment notes to more of an essay on what I was trying to achieve rather than analysis for each image.

I need to work on my research though as my tutor say this is a “very weak area” that I need to step up before submitting for assessment and upcoming courses.

Highlighted Tutor feedback