C&N Assignment 3 – Development and Experimentation Part 1

C&N Assignment 3 – Development and Experimentation Part 1



The above represents an afternoon work in creating joiner photos from images that I collected from my Dad and Anastasya. The 3 images were chosen at they show me and Anastaya in relaxed states you could say at our happiest, on is from her birthday trip to Belfast and another from a holiday in Bangkok.

Hockney’s original idea of a joiner photograph was to push past the fact that a photograph is a single brief moment in time that the viewer gives more time to than the photographer invested in making the image and more trying to represent the changing moments the in the works of a image by the old grandmasters such gas Rembrandt – who took months our years to complete an image.

Here whilst I’m emulating the style of Hockney I am using a found image and it not about representing the passage if time whilst making an image it is to show the closeness and how as a couple myself and Anastasya are the sums of many parts.

I am in two minds about found photography i find fascinating probably from the voyeuristic point of view I commented earlier in n the course that I would pour over Joachim Schmidt’s books for hours and part of me could see me being an obsessive collector of such images my self – in fact in my teens I was a obsessive collector of art style postcards from shop like Athena and cuttings from magazines that I could not bear to throw away. I wish i still had them how there are lost in the mists of house moves and clear outs.

Found photography in a self-portraiture sense is giving time to reflect on how I /we look to others – our expression is natural at the especial with the selfies I can’t pose so I generally end just being myself and look generally in the wrong direction…

Of the experiments above pictures above I like the middle image the best as there is still defined faces, the first image comes in second but feel that the faces are too small within the image are easily lost. The last I have pushed the jumble too far.