C&N Assignment 5 – Response to Tutor Feedback

Assignment 5 Tutor feedback

Dear Robert

Thank you for the feedback and your time on Friday for the Hangout chat.;

As we discussed generating idea for narrative photography is a weak point for me, so therefore when I get, what I consider, a good idea I tend to disappear down that rabbit hole; produce a technically capable image that when makes perfect sense to me to a 3rd party is left wondering and not in the way narrative photography intends.

I have to admit in my previous picture with HO figures I missed the obvious sign and signifiers that using toys gives a connection to childhood, which was vital in why that image was so strong. Therefore, the same set up for life influences does not immediately work.

You are quite correct, there is nothing in this image to suggest, what or who the image is about, even with my use of depth of field to isolated the diver the viewer has no idea why he is significant and the old man with a suitcase really does just muddle things.

The image was intended to show what has influenced or supported me to where I am now, which really is a kind of self-portrait showing what I am the sum total off. And to get there, there needs to be a reference point to show that it is a self-portrait and that it is about identity.

With that in mind Robert, I intend to rework the image with fewer figures, and something that represents identity, a passport photo. With the picture buried in the sand, various figures can surround it as it all different parts of life have come together.

Again, the title needs work, “A life in HO gauge” in mindsight is far far too vague it doesn’t point the viewer, that the life in question is my life. Perhaps I have miss understood Barthes here or just gone too far when trying to avoid leading the viewer.

Also thank you for the encouraging, comments about the general look for my blog and re-worked assignments after our last tutorial back in December I spent time cleaning up the posts and getting everything “ship shape” for assessment. I will do the same for the Ass. 5 posts once I have the re-work complete.

Going forward I am encouraged by your comment that you think I will be successful in the documentary, Self & Others and even landscape units. I have found the narrative aspect of this unit a hard slog and with the added pressure of work commitments over the high season here in Thailand, there have been moments where I have wanted to throw in the towel, which is unlike me I’m not a quitter.

Again thank you for all the support.