C&N Assignment 5 – Submission to Tutor

C&N Assignment 5 – Making it up- Submission to Tutor

Capturing a Life in HO Gauge


Perhaps my most successful piece of work on this course so far has been a simple image where I reconstructed a scene from my childhood. A beach scene in early 70’s Blackpool where I am swinging in between parents. It was a happy memory and was an emotional ride creating it I used HO gauge figures, which significant to me in my childhood, to recreate this significant moment.

It is this I return to for the final assignment of the course, to create an image that illustrates the significant influences in my life. Our existence is something we ponder as artists; what drives us; what supports us; what has influenced us; will we become; where will we go. I wanted to create an image that reflects what has brought me to the point I am now.

Using HO figures is important to me, because my model railway played a vital role in my formative years, being an only child, it allowed for my initial creative output, gave me a vital connection with my Grandad and made sure I was never lonely, and it is something that I dream that I one day can build again perhaps with my own son.

In previous posts, I have talked about what the individual elements stand for to me personally and its impossible for a casual viewer to understand all the nuances of my thought process but I hope that they can understand that the diver figure with his quizzical look is the main protagonist of the image. To me, he is punctum of the image because he is me.

When I view the image, in conjunction with the title, I see 3 potential meanings:

  • Think about the people and event in the past that have brought you to this point
  • Reflecting on the what you have around you in your like now
  • Pondering what the future will bring