Duane Michals

Duane Michals

Duane Michals was born in 1932 and has baffled the photography scene by breaking all normal photographic rules and traditions of fine art and documentary. He prefers to look inwards and make the images in his imagination of the unseen like life and death. Interestingly he has never studied photography formally. Watching the lecture above he is vibrant character and mind is continually active and this is very evident in his work. He a curious.

Many of Michals’ images are deep or profound, especially his sequences series, for example, Chance Meeting from 1972 (below) looking forward top assignment 2 this an example for photographing the unseen. In this picture, there is a moment of recognition between the 2 men we do not know what it is or why it happens but it is perfectly captured.


His photographs capture ideas rather than straight scenes and one can see that he is continually pushing the boundaries of human expectation, making his viewers work for the hidden nuances of his photographs.



Francis Hodgson. (n.d.). Duane Michals, Chance Meeting 1972. [online] Available at: https://francishodgson.com/2014/01/20/making-it-up-is-so-very-hard-to-do/duane-michals-chance-meeting-1972/ [Accessed 27 Jul. 2018].

YouTube. (2013). Photographer Duane Michals Talks About His Career. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZa_oOzXVkY [Accessed 27 Jul. 2018].