John Davies – Mount Fuji

In the context of the above statement, I looked at the photography of John Davies and Chris Steele-Perkins as they both have shot Mount Fuji juxtaposing it with the every day industrial surroundings.

I was little unsuccessful at find much of Davies work and whilst I applude the image below I feel that it is bland with no real depth – perhaps as part of larger body of work it would work but even with the great juxtaposition it feels flat.


Chris Steel – Perkins images on the other hand, have more drama and energy to them, the biggest thing that jumps out to me is that the images are not flat, there is texture to them perhaps in the post – production.

Both photographers have given me food for thought on the creativity side when shoot what has already been shot many times before – explore the surrounding.



Davies, J. (no date) John Davies photographer – home page. Available at: (Accessed: 3 January 2016).


Chris Steele-Perkins | Prix Pictet | the global award in photography and sustainability (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 3 January 2016).