Reflections on some reading for Assignment 1

One thing I picked up from my tutor was that my photography should reflect me. Now I have always seen myself as a capable photographer who was a little lacking in artistic talent.

Lack of artistic talent might not be the case, I think it might just be I have not studied the work of others enough; and therefore my images have become quite bland and didn’t not stand out.

I have this afternoon been looking at the recommended links from the OCA. Not all appealed to me nor did al the links work, but the following 3 stood out to me.

Venetia Dearden ( html). I could feel the photographers connection to the subjects whether it be the landscapes or the portraits. The series has a compelling I guess storyline – which ties with her statement of intent revisiting her childhood haunts.

Karen Knorr  ( I love the continuity of the series, the staging of the environment portraits, which showed something about the subject, not just the subjects themselves (a fault that my portraits have. I tend to concentrate on the face and forget the person). Also, on a 2nd look at the series the first shot of the street said to me “around this corner we are going to meet…” I’m not sure if this is where the photographer was aiming.

Peter Mansell: ( This was an OCA video of a fellow students work in the landscape module; however, it was taken from the aspect of a wheelchair user within the landscape. This is a sidewise look at a the scene; I have to say hard to add my thoughts to it other than I would never have thought of this project and will push me to look at everything with fresh eyes.

Postscript (5th May ‘15)

One thing read the links showed me was there really is no set way to do any project/assignment.