Street Photography Now by Sophie Howarth & Stephen McLaren – Book Review

Street Photography Now by Sophie Howarth & Stephen McLaren

Book Review

Rather embarrassingly I have had this book on my bookshelf since 2010 when I purchased rather cheaply (for Hong Kong) at the HK Book Fair. however, it has sat gathering dust since.

How could I have neglected such a rich collection of contemporary street photographer and brief but concise analysis of their practices? The film is a good whistle-stop tour of contemporary Street Photography and illustrates quite clearly that although it may have an image it cover that could have come from Henri Cartier-Bresson’s Leica we are not stuck in that mould anymore.

Many of the photographers featured shoot a more documentary photo essay style that you would associate with the Cartier-Bresson but it does feature the Joel Meyerowtiz and show how his style has influened those who have followed in his wake.

Artists featured  include:

Trent Parke

Martin Parr

Cristobal Hara

David Gibson


Howarth, S. and McLaren, S. (2011). Street photography now. London: Thames & Hudson.