C&N Assignment 1 – Self Reflection

C&N Assignment 1 – Self Reflection

Demonstration of technical and Visual Skills

This has been an interesting assignment and I have “followed my gut” in how it has been presented I have shot in a street/travel style to produce a set of image that works together as a set. The images are crisp and the post-processing has been kept consistent across all images so that there is a feeling of belonging across the sets. Whilst not necessary the main part of what I have trying to show I have tried keeping a sadness emptiness to the images as an overarching secondary theme to help with this overall feeling of belonging

Quality of outcome

After view of my first, I think that the presentation of the sets of diptychs improves the coherence of the images and the point of view I am trying to show. However, I do feel that is a little lacking in experiment creativity. However, I have struggled with a further idea and therefore feel that is best to follow my gut in this diagnostic first assignment. However, I fdo feel I have present the images is a ordered and clean way which guides the tye viewer and raises enough question to allow them to raise there own opinion

Demonstration of creativity

As I have touched on above I’m sure some of my course mates will have more conceptually creative ideas, one such suggestion was a series of self portraits with my work situation and in more tourist situation or perhaps a for focused investigation into the life of the tour guides – embedding myself with them for a few days like a war reporter.

However, I do feel that there is not a vast gulf between the normal tourist and local worker in Pattaya both sides may argue there is but what is drying them is value for money – tourist/expats are here because it cheap and local workers are here because of a  better chance of income.


I think if the set has a main criticism is that it could be viewed as  “the story of one place with different people passing by; more about place than people as we are always distant from them in the images” this came from a comment in peer view and I understand that sentiment and worry that it has taken over from showing the subtle differences in the lives of the residents.