C&N Overall Reflection

C&N Overall reflection


Context and Narrative has been a challenge for me, I have found that narrative photography is not a natural fit for me. Although, I do understand that is not something I should run away from. It was a stretch too create images from scratch when I normally react to the world around me with my photography, however, I can see how (or should be?) these concepts can be applied to my personal vision as a photographer.

The course notes ask us to reflect on some question I’ll do that now.

Out of all the topics covered in this course, which felt most comfortable to you? Why?

How are they defining comfortable? I would say the Photograph as a document, I have tried to be a photojournalist in my approach to photography over the time i have lived in Asia, therefore, this felt the best fit with me, although ironically this perhaps the weakest assignment as I’m a little out of practice. Creativity and photojournalism require practice and need to exercise regularly – just like great footballer still have to go the training every day we do as photographers.

Did you discover anything completely new to you? What was it?

The world of Ronald Bathes and semiotic and meanings. I had some idea on artic theory as I had previously taken Introduction to Film Culture, it has lead to a new appreciation of art and photography and something I should study more – I think.

Which area enabled you to come closest to finding your personal voice?

Strangely for such an introvert assignment 3, I seemed to open my soul to the outside world and reflected on the isolation I was feeling at that time.

Which area seemed furthest away from who you want to be as a photographer? Why?

Making it up (assignment 5), as I have said before what drew me back into photography was my move to Asia and the photojournalist style of images I took. Creating a symbolic single image to reflect feeling or a situation more me is something best left to others.

What were the main things you learned? Were there any epiphany moments?

Context is vital, you need something to hook your viewer to your ideas, this perhaps most relevant in assignments 3 & 5 when my either my symbols were too esoteric or just plain vague. The audience needs some guidance to what your work is about. If you leave everything up there interpretation your concepts will be lost.

Will you return to any of the assignments from this course at a later date? Did you feel as if you were on the cusp of anything?

I like assignment 2, I think I would like to expand on that in some way or even return to trying to show units on time to physical objects my initial idea.

Overall, a challenging unit which had me close to throwing in the towel at many points, and it wasn’t for the honest sometimes brutal criticism from my tutor I way have thrown in that towel. However, I persevered and worked through my inhibitions and prejudices to be able to submit a collection of work I’m happy with more assessment.